Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Mythology

Vikings - Were explorers, warriors, merchants and pirates who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe.
Ginnungagap - The darkness before life. Dark Void
Nifleheim - land known as fog and ice.
Muspellheim - Land of fire. Surt the giant that guards Muspellheim.
Yggdrasil - The world ash tree connecting all three worlds.
Asgard - Home to all Gods.
Midgard - Home to all men.
Hel - Land of the dead, ruler is Hel one of Loki's children
Bifrost Bridge -Is a rainbow that connects Asgard to Midgard.
Ymir - Evil giant frost giant.
Odin- Leader of all Gods all knowing. His domains are wisdom and Witchcraft and poetry. shape shifter as well.
Frigg - She was the Wife of Odin. Known as the cloud spinner,most powerful Goddess. Her domains were Love, Destiny and Marriage.
The Valkyries - Daughters of Odin. Bird like creatures with human characteristics. They are the choosers of the slain in the battle field picking the most genuine soldiers.
The Norns - The fate Maidens Urd was Past Verdandi was Present and Skuld was Future.
Thor - Son of Odin and Frigg The warrior son. Strongest son of Odin. Domains are Thunder,battle,and fertility he has Mjolliner his Hammer. and his chariot led by two goats.
Balder - Son of Odin and Frigg most beloved of all Gods. He was the God of radiance, rebirth ,justice, and light. He was killed by Loki.
Njord - Wind and sea God. Patron of sailors.
Frey - God of Fertility Sun and Rain.
Freya - Goddess of Fertility domain in love and beauty.
Idunn -Odins Daughter in law. Goddess of youth keeper of the golden apples.
Loki - Son of a frost giant mixed blood with Odin. Has magic powers hes a trickster. Cunning and decitful has many disguises.
Fenrir - Son of Loki he is the Wolf Destroyer.
Jormungandr -Son of Loki World Serpent
Ragnarok - Is the finale battle it's doomsday for the world.
Runes - Gift from Odin the Norse Language. Norse alphabet

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