Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Mythology

Vikings - Were explorers, warriors, merchants and pirates who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe.
Ginnungagap - The darkness before life. Dark Void
Nifleheim - land known as fog and ice.
Muspellheim - Land of fire. Surt the giant that guards Muspellheim.
Yggdrasil - The world ash tree connecting all three worlds.
Asgard - Home to all Gods.
Midgard - Home to all men.
Hel - Land of the dead, ruler is Hel one of Loki's children
Bifrost Bridge -Is a rainbow that connects Asgard to Midgard.
Ymir - Evil giant frost giant.
Odin- Leader of all Gods all knowing. His domains are wisdom and Witchcraft and poetry. shape shifter as well.
Frigg - She was the Wife of Odin. Known as the cloud spinner,most powerful Goddess. Her domains were Love, Destiny and Marriage.
The Valkyries - Daughters of Odin. Bird like creatures with human characteristics. They are the choosers of the slain in the battle field picking the most genuine soldiers.
The Norns - The fate Maidens Urd was Past Verdandi was Present and Skuld was Future.
Thor - Son of Odin and Frigg The warrior son. Strongest son of Odin. Domains are Thunder,battle,and fertility he has Mjolliner his Hammer. and his chariot led by two goats.
Balder - Son of Odin and Frigg most beloved of all Gods. He was the God of radiance, rebirth ,justice, and light. He was killed by Loki.
Njord - Wind and sea God. Patron of sailors.
Frey - God of Fertility Sun and Rain.
Freya - Goddess of Fertility domain in love and beauty.
Idunn -Odins Daughter in law. Goddess of youth keeper of the golden apples.
Loki - Son of a frost giant mixed blood with Odin. Has magic powers hes a trickster. Cunning and decitful has many disguises.
Fenrir - Son of Loki he is the Wolf Destroyer.
Jormungandr -Son of Loki World Serpent
Ragnarok - Is the finale battle it's doomsday for the world.
Runes - Gift from Odin the Norse Language. Norse alphabet

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Burr-Woman Crow Indian Myth

A long time ago there was hansome crow indian man. All the girls wanted him, but he wanted nothing to do with them. There was one good looking girl who asked to marry him, he refused. She then went to her grandmother and complained. The grandmother was very angry. She wanted to stay behind while the others moved camp. When the old lady saw the young man she asked him to carry her because, she couldn't move her legs. The old woman became stuck on his back, no matter what he couldn't get her off. The handsome young man started to cry, some women heard him. They tried to pull the old lady off, but she screamed to leave her alone and that she was his wife. The young man's father saw this and said whatever woman that can get the hag off my son may marry him. Many women tried and many failed. Two good looking girls thought they could help him. They found him on his stomach and began to pull. They pulled four times and the fourth pull the old woman came off. They killed her and cleaned up the young man and took him as their husband.

Indian mythology
Stories, Tales legends